Raven and I just spent 16 days in the Klamath National Forest near Tenant, California where we attended an alternate gathering of the tribes of the rainbow family of living light. We attempted to make it to the annual gathering in Tennessee but our van broke down several times. After taking time, money and effort to make the repairs, we found ourselves short on time to make the journey. The Great Spirit had other plans which led us into this beautiful California forest for a prayer gathering and community celebration of peace over the fourth of July.
It was a fantastic way to spend the holiday week. Our souls were restored and our inspired visions for rainbow gatherings were renewed and invigorated with fresh ideas. Sixteen days later, we emerged from this forest retreat full of energy, ideas, inspiration and resolve to take part in teaching the ways of rainbow as they were originally envisioned by the "early gatherers". Thus, the concept of Gathering Consciousness Rap 107 Workshop gatherings was born.
Join us as the circle of light ever widens to embrace the growing family of peace loving warriors of the light.
Writer's Profile
- TheMidnightWriter
- Pocatello, Idaho, United States
- A woman with an extended family and thirty-one grand-children,who is grateful to the Lord God for all blessings, both great and small. Blessed by God with a natural writing talent I offer it as a gift to uplift others or help in areas of law or community.
Ministry Fund Drive
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The Midnight Writer
This policy is valid from 20 November 2008
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